SKILL 8. Find Definitions From Structural Clues.

SKILL 8. Find Definitions From Structural Clues.

When you arebasked to determine the meaning of a word in the reading section, it is possible :
1. that the passage provides information about the meaning of the word, and
2. that there are structural clues to tell you that the definition of a word is included in the passage.
The followings outlines the key information that you should remember aboutnstructural cluse to help you to understand unknown vocabularies words :

1. How to identifies the question.
- What is the meaning of ''X'' in line Y?
- The word ''X'' in line Y is closest in meaning to ......
- The word ''Y'' in line Y could best be replaced by.....

2. Types of clues.
- punctuation (comma, parentheses, dashes).
- restatement (or, that, is, in, other words, i.e.).
- examples (such as, for example, e.g.)

3. Where to find the answer.
Information to help you determine what something means will generally be found after the punctuation clue, the restatement clue, or the example clue.

4. How to answer the question.
a. Find the word in the passage.
b. Locate any structural clues.
c. Read the part of the passage after the structural clue carefully.
d. Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining choices.


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